To find me

Raphaël Loubère DR CNRS, section 41

Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, UMR 5152,
351 cours de la Libération, 33405 Talence, France.

Off.: +33 540 006 147, Perso: +33 675 312 998

To find my research


October 2016 -- Now
Mathematical Institute of Bordeaux, CNRS
Director of Research (DR), section 41 (Math)

January 2006 -- September 2016
Mathematical Institute of Toulouse, CNRS
In Charge of Research (CR), section 10 (Fluids)

February 2003 -- December 2005
Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM, U.S.A.
Postdoct. position in T-7 division

November 2002 -- December 2002
Fundamental Physics Institute, CELIA, France

October 1998 -- October 1999
Military duty, CEA Cesta.

Education 1

October 1999-October 2002 -- PhD Mathematics, University of Bordeaux, France
"A new particle Lagrangian Discontinuous Galerkin type method. Applications to hydrodynamics and laser/plasma interaction problems."
Supervisors R. Abgrall (Univ. Bordeaux, FR) and J. Ovadia (CEA-Cesta)
B. Després (Sorbonne, Paris, FR), J.M. Moschetta (SUPAERO Engineering School, Toulouse, FR)

1992 -- 1998 -- College degrees, University of Bordeaux, France
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Education 2

June 2013 -- Applied Mathematics Habilitation, University of Toulouse, France
"Contribution to the Lagrangian and ALE numerical methods"
Supervisor P. Degond (Toulouse, FR)
A. Barlow (AWE, UK), F. Coquel (Sorbonne, Paris, FR), P. Roe (Univ. of Michigan, U.S.A)
D. Bouche (CEA, FR), S. Clain (Braga, PT), P. Hild (Toulouse, FR), R. Liska (Czech Techn. Univ. Prague, CZ), P.-H. Maire (CEA Cesta, FR), R. Saurel (Marseille, FR)

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Direction, scientific animation


Associate director of Math Fédération MARGAUx in Nouvelle-Aquitaine since 2020.

Director. of joint laboratory ANABASE IMB+Cesta since 2020.

Conference organisation

SHARK-FV, each May since 2014, Povoa de Varzim, Portugal

HONOM conference, postponed to 2022, Braga, Portugal

Expert for


Agency: Eu commission, ANR, It, Cz...

PhDs: Fr, It, Sp, Ger, Cz, Pt, In, USA...

Conferences: HONOM, ECCOMAS, WCCM...

Domains of Expertise, Key Words


Finite Volume methods, lagrangian systems, Discontinuous Galerkin type methods, Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian, particle methods, remapping/rezoning, MOOD, interface reconstruction, kinetic scheme, AP schemes, high-accurate schemes, AMR


Hydrodynamics, shock waves, multi-fluid multi-material flows, multi-phase flows, MHD, hypersonic flows, aerodynamics, Inertial Confinement Fusion, laser/plasma interaction problems

Computer science

Linux, Unix, Windows, F90, C/C++, OPEN MP, MPI, Maple, MatLab, Tecplot, Gnuplot, LaTeX, Paraview/VTK, HPC, CUDA


  1. Laetitia Carballal-Perdiz 2007-2010 "Multi-scale finite element method", co-mentoring with P. Degond - Today: high school professor
  2. Steven Diot 2009-2012 "MOOD Multidimentional Optimal Order Detection method" co-mentoring with S. Clain - Today: engineer CEA DAM and entrepeneur
  3. Adrien Drouillet 2018-2021 "Numerical simulation of fusion/solidification front in corium pool", co-mentoring M. Peybernes, R. Le Tellier (CEA Cadarache)
  4. Alexandre Bourriaud 2018-2021 "Very high accurate 3D AMR simulation code for general hyperbolic system of balance laws", co-mentoring R. Turpault.
  5. Agnes Chan 2019-2022 "New Riemann solvers and associated schemes for 3D hypersonic flows", co-mentoring P.-H. Maire.
  6. Benoit Cossart 2021-2024 "Implicit solver for 3D aerodynamics in multidimensional", co-mentoring J.P. Braeunig.
  7. Vincent Delmas 2023-2026 "Genuinely 3D Navier Stokes solver for hypersonic fluid flows", co-mentoring P.-H. Maire.
  8. XXX YYY 2024-2027 "Multiphasique flows in pipes of nuclear power plants", co-mentoring F. Daude, P. Lafon (EDF).
  9. XXX YYY 2024-2027 "High order reconstruction for FV and DG scheme on highly distorded mesh ", co-mentoring F. Renac (ONERA).

Postdocs, Long terms Visitors
  1. Jean-Michel Rovarch (September 2008 - May 2010) "Multi-scale finite element method", co-mentoring with P. Degond - Engineer at GTT
  2. Vittorio Rispoli (September 2013 - March 2014) "Fast Kinetic scheme with domain decomposition" co-mentoring with G.Dimarco - Engineer Sophia Antipolis
  3. Walter Boscheri 3 months in 2014 - Visiting PhD for a "Doctor Europaeus" degree. Mentoring in Italy by M.Dumbser - Today: assist prof Ferrara
  4. Ghislain Blanchard (December 2014 - September 2015) "3D very high accurate remapping technique on polyedral meshes" - Engineer ONERA
  5. Matteo Ioriatti 3 months in 2016 - Visiting PhD. Mentoring in Italy by M.Dumbser - Today: engineer in Italy
  6. Ilya Peshkov (September 2016 - September 2019) Long term LabeX researcher - Assistant professor at Trento univ., Italy
  7. Nadir-Alexandre Messai (September 2021 - Janvier 2022) - Postdoc
  8. Alessia Del Grosso (November 2022 - November 2023) - Postdoc
  9. Walter Boscehri (January 2023 - June 2024) - Long term invited professor - Assistant professor at Ferrara univ., Italy

  1. Laetita Carballal-Perdiz (2007), co-mentoring with P. Degond
  2. Steven Diot (2009), co-mentoring with S. Clain
  3. Nicolas Mezieres (2015)
  4. Adrien Drouillet (2018), co-mentoring with M. Peybernes
  5. Agnes Chan (2019), co-mentoring with P.-H. Maire
  6. Alexis Tardieu (2021), co-mentoring with P.-H. Maire

Visits in other institutions

  1. Long visit in Shengzhen, Macao, Xiamen (CH), April 2024 (15 days)
  2. Short visit in Bratislava (SK) and Prague (CZ), March 2024 (5+2 days)
  3. Short visit in Montpellier-Marseille, February 2024 (5 days)
  4. Short visit in Coimbra (PT) / A Coruna (SP), Dec 2023 (3 days)
  5. Short visit in Montpellier-Marseille, July, September 2023 (5 days x 2)
  6. Short visit in Roma La Sapienza, February 2023 (4 days)
  7. Short visit in Turin, Italy, April 2022 (4 days)
  8. Short visit in Strasbourg, February 2022 (2 days)
  9. Short visit in Catania, Italy, October 2021 (5 days)
  10. Short visit in A Coruna, Spain, November 2019 (3 days)
  11. Short CEA Cadarache 10-14 February and 14-17 September 2020 (4+3 days)
  12. Short term visit in Ferrara Mathematical Laboratory, 15-19 April 2019 (5 days)
  13. Short G.Gassner lab in Köln, Germany, 18-22 March 2019 (5 days)
  14. Short Tokyo Tech, Japan 7-13 January 2019 (7 days)
  15. Short Ferrara, Trento, Como, Italy, 12-19 December 2019 (8 days)
  16. Short Univ Malaga, Spain, 3-4 December 2019 (2 days)
  17. Short CVUT Prague, CZ, 15-19 October 2019 (5 days)
  18. Short CEA Cadarache 11-12 July 2018 (2 days)
  19. Short Prague, Czech Republic April 2018 (7 days)
  20. Short R2SN, Marseille, October 2018 (3 days)
  21. Short Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, October 2017 (7 days)
  22. Short in Beijing China, 10-18 July 2017 (8 days)
  23. Short in Zurich Swiss 3 - 6 June 2017 (3 days)
  24. Short in Prague Czech Republic, 28 November - 2 December 2016 (5 days)
  25. Short in Braga Portugal, 17- 19 Oct 2016 (3 days)
  26. Long Trento Italy May-August 2015 (>3 months)
  27. Short Trento, Italy, June 2014 (3 days)
  28. Short Ferrara, Italy, June 2014 (3 days)
  29. Short Trento, Italy, April 2013 (7 days)
  30. Short Prague, Czech Republic January 2012 (7 days)
  31. Short Prague, Czech Republic April 2012 (7 days)
  32. Short Braga, Portugal, October 2012 (7days)
  33. Short Prague, Czech Republic December 2011 (7 days)
  34. Short, Braga March 2011 (7 days)
  35. Short, 'Very high-order MOOD method", Universita Do Minho, Portugal, July 2010 (15 days)
  36. Short "Slide line for hydrodynamics scheme and 3D Lagrangian scheme", Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, June 2011 (14 days) and December 2011 (7 days)
  37. Short, 'Very high-order MOOD method", Universita Do Minho, Portugal, February 2011 (7 days)
  38. Short "Lagrangian schemes with Riemann solvers", Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, November 2009 (7 days)
  39. Short "Numerical schemes for ALE methods", Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, April 2008 (10 days)
  40. Short "Free Lagrange and ALE methods", Los Alamos National Lab, NM, USA, July 2007 (1 month)
  41. Short "Numerical schemes for ALE methods", Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, April 2007 (10 days)
  42. Short "Interface reconstruction in multi-material simulations", Los Alamos National Lab, NM, USA, Octobre 2006 (1 month)
  43. Long Fundamental Physics Institute, Bordeaux, France, Oct-Jan 2002 (3 months)

Participation to conferences

  1. Conference Gold SHARK, Povoa de Varzim Portugal, 27-31 May 2024 - (Organizer)
  2. Seminar Xiamen, Macao, Shenzhen, China, April-May 2024 (Invited)
  3. Teaching SUSTECH Shenzhen, China, April 2024 (Invited)
  4. ALGORITMY conference, Tatra Mountains, Slovakia, March 2024 (MS organizer)
  5. Conference "Recent Advances in Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws", Shenzhen International Center for Mathematics, China, December 9-15, 2023
  6. Conference in honor of Carlos Pares 60th birthday, Malaga, November 2023 (Invited)
  7. Seminar Pau, November 2023
  8. Numerical Aspects of Hyperbolic and Related Problems 2023, Il Palazzone, Cortona, Italy, June 18-24, 2023 - (Invited)
  9. NumHyp Conference, Bordeaux, France, 26-30 June 2023 - (Co-organizer)
  10. Conference Tawny SHARK, Povoa de Varzim Portugal, 22-26 May 2023 - (Organizer)
  11. IACM COMPUTATIONAL FLUIDS CONFERENCE (CFC) Conference, Cannes, France, 25-28 April 2023 - (MS organizer)
  12. Seminar La Sapienza, Roma, Italy, February 2023
  13. Kinetic and hyperbolic equations: modeling, analysis and numerics, Toulouse, France, 12-16 December 2022 - (Invited)
  14. Theoretical, applied, and computational aspects of hyperbolic partial differential equations, Versailles, France, 19-20 October 2022
  15. Essentially hyperbolic problems: unconventional numerics, and applications. A conference in honor of Rémi Abgrall's 61st birthday - Monte Verità, Switzerland, October 9 - 14, 2022 - (Co-organizer)
  16. MULTIMAT, Zürich, Switzerland, August 2022
  17. Conference Green SHARK, Povoa de Varzim Portugal, 23-27 May 2022 - (Organizer)
  18. Journées MARGAUx des Doctorants de la N-Aquitaine, May 2022 - (Co-organizer)
  19. HYPE conference, Malaga, Spain, 20-24 June 2022
  20. HONOM conference, Braga, Portugal, 4-8 April 2022 - (Co-organizer)
  21. Journées CEA GAMNI, Paris 24-25 January 2022
  22. Journées MARGAUx "Calcul Scientifique en Nouvelle-Aquitaine", Arcachon, December 2021 - (Organizer)
  23. Journée ANABASE, Bordeaux, September 2021
  24. NumHYP, Numerical methods for hyperbolic problems, Trento, Italy, July 2021 - (Pleanary lecturer)
  25. Journées de la Fédération MARGAUx, La Rochelle, France, 28-29 June 2021
  26. SMAI Conference, La Grande Motte, France, 22-25 June 2021
  27. Oberwolfach Workshop, Hyperbolic Balance Laws: modeling, analysis, and numerics 28 February - 6 March 2021
  28. WCCM conference, Virtual in Paris January 2021 - (Co-organizer)
  29. CEA GAMNI workshop, IHP Paris 3-4 February 2020
  30. MULTIMAT conference, Trento, Italy, 9-13 September 2019
  31. Conference SHARK, Povoa de Varzim Portugal, 22-26 may 2019 - (Organizer)
  32. Conference HONOM 2019, 01-05 April 2019 Madrid Spain
  33. Workshop "Model coupling" Univ Bordeaux IMB, 31 January, 1st February 2019 - (Organizer)
  34. CEA GAMNI workshop, IHP Paris 29-30 January 2019
  35. Seminar Nice university 15 November 2018
  36. Conference SHARK, Povoa de Varzim Portugal, 21-25 may 2018 - (Organizer)
  37. Numerical Aspects of Hyperb Balance Laws and Related Topics, Ferrara Itally 16-20 April 2018
  38. CEA-GAMNI workshop, IHP Paris, 05-07 février 2018
  39. Seminar Math Depart Lille, France, 07 December 2017
  40. Presentation, numerical seminar at Tokyo Tech October 2017
  41. MULTIMAT conference, Santa Fe, NM, September 2017
  42. Presentation at IAPCM laboratory, Beijing China, July 2017
  43. International conference on multimaterial and multiphase flows, Beijing, China, July 2017
  44. ETSN workshop, Cadarache, 26-29 June 2017
  45. NUMHYP conference, Monte Verita, Swiss 29 May-2 June 2017
  46. Conference SHARK, Ofir Portugal, 15-19 may 2017
  47. HONOM 2017, Stuttgart Germany, 27-31 march 2017
  48. CEA GAMN workshop in IHP Paris 30-31-1 January 2017
  49. Seminar in Montpellier, February the 21st, 2017
  50. Conference in Honor of 65th irthday TToro, Trento, Italy, November 2nd - 4th, 2016
  51. ETSN, Cadarache, France, 27-30 juin 2016
  52. ECMI conference, Santiago de compostela, Spain, 13-17 June 2016
  53. Séminaire Pau 3 mai 2016
  54. Great White SHARK 3, Ofir Portugal 23-27 May 2016
  55. Workshop Braga (Portugal) - A coruna (Spain) at university A coruna, Spain, 2-4 February 2016
  56. CEA-GAMNI workshop, IHP Paris, 25-26 janvier 2016
  57. Hyperbolic conference 50th birthday of the mathematical department, Ferrara, Italy, december 2015
  58. MULTIMAT'15, Wurzburg, Germany September 2015
  59. SHARK-FV II conference, Ofir, Portugal, May 2015
  60. HONOM conference, 16-20 March 2015, Trento, Italy
  61. Seminar IMFT, Toulouse, February 2015
  62. Workshop on behalf of the 60th birthday of Claus-Dieter Munz5-7 November 2014, Stuttgart, Germany
  63. Trends in Numerical and Physical Modeling for Industrial Multiphase Flows Cargèse, Corsica France, 13-17 october 2014
  64. ECCOMAS annual congress, Barcelona, Spain July 2014 - Minisymposium organizer
  65. SHARK-FV conference, Ofir, Portugal, May 2014
  66. Séminaire IRMAR Rennes 27 février 2014
  67. Séminaire IUSTI Marseille 21-22 novembre 2013
  68. Séminaire IMB Bordeaux 17-18 octobre 2013
  69. Séminaire Nice 3 octobre 2013
  70. MULTIMAT'13, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2-6 September 2013
  71. Workshop CEA, Fréjus, France, 1-7 July 2013
  72. EUROPEAN WORKSHOP on High Order Nonlinear Numerical Methods for Evolutionary PDEs (HONOM 2013) HONOM Bordeaux 18-22 arch 2013
  73. Trends in Numerical and Physical Modeling for Industrial Multiphase Flows Cargèse, Corsica France, September, 2012
  74. 6th EUROPEAN CONGRESS ON COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN APPLIED SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING (ECCOMAS 2012), enne, Autriche Septembre 2012 "Add-ons to the compatible staggered Lagrangian scheme and other unspoken details"
  75. Workshop CEA, Roscoff, France, 2-5 Juillet 2012
  76. 3rd International EULAG Workshop held 25th -28th June 2012 in Loughborough UK http://wwwmmmucaredu/eulag/
  77. MULTIMAT 2011, Arcachon, France, September 2011 (Organizer)
  78. Finite Volume Method for Complex Application FVCA 6, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2011
  79. SIAM Computational Science and Engineering, Reno, USA, February 28th - March 4th, 2011
  80. Workshop on "High-order numerical finite volumes" University Do Minho, Guimaraes, Portugal, February 2011
  81. Trends in Numerical and Physical Modeling for Industrial Multiphase Flows Cargèse, Corsica France, September 13-17, 2010
  82. ICCS 2010 International Conference in Computational Physics, Amsterdam, The Nederlands May 31st - June 2nd, 2010 --- Minisymposium ganizer "2nd Workshop on New Trends in Numerical Methods for Multi-Material Compressible Fluid Flows"
  83. A second-order compatible staggered Lagrangian hydrodynamics scheme using a cell-centered multidimensional approximate Riemann solver
  84. ICFD 2010 Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics, Reading, UK, April 12th - 15th, 2010
  85. family of staggered Lagrangian hydrodynamics schemes based on cell-centered Riemann solver
  86. NUMERICAL METHODS for MULTI-MATERIAL FLUIDS and STRUCTURES, Pavia Italy, September 7-10 2009
  87. The eighth European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, ENUMATH 2009, Uppsala Sweden June 29 - July 3, 09
  88. SIAM Annual meeting, San Diego CA, July 7-11, 2008
  89. 5th International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications - Problems and Perspectives - Aussois, France, June 08-13, 2008
  90. 20ème séminaire de mécanique des fluides CEA-GAMNI, Institut Henri Poincare Pairs France, January 28-29, 2008
  91. Trends in Numerical and Physical Modeling for Industrial Multiphase Flows Cargèse, Corsica France, September 17-21, 2007
  92. 9th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, San Francisco, CA, USA, July 23-26 2007
  93. Numerical methods for multi-material fluid flows Czech Technical University in Prague, September 10 - 14, 2007
  94. Europe-India T2B conference, Paris, France, May 2007
  95. Modeling and Numerical Analysis seminar Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA, October 2006
  96. Workshop "Lagrangian-ALE schemes and applications to plasma physics", Prague, Czech Republik, May 2006
  97. Numerical Analysis Seminar (CEA-DIF), Paris, Mai 2006
  98. International symposium on Voronoi diagrams in science and engineering, Seoul, South Korea, October 10-13 2005
  99. Numerical methods for multi-material compressible fluid flows 2, Oxford, UK, September 5-8 2005,
  100. SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Orlando, Florida USA, Feb 12-15 2005
  101. SIAM Annual meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA July 12-16 2004
  102. News advances for shock wave processes and hydrocodes, College Park, MA, USA, Avril 2004
  103. 9th Copper Mountain conference on iterative methods, Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA, March 28 - April 2004
  104. 7th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, July 27-31 2003
  105. Numerical methods for multi-material compressible fluid flows 1, Paris, France, Sept 23-25 2002
  106. Numerical Analysis seminar Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA, August 2002
  107. SIAM Annual meeting, San Diego, California, USA July 9-13 2001 CANUM 2000 Numerical Analysis Congress, Vieux Boucau, France, June 5-9 2000
  108. Godunov Methods: theory and applications, Oxford, UK, October 1999